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Old 11-28-2007, 02:26 PM
TomCollins TomCollins is offline
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Default Re: Why Im no longer an ACist

You know what nate all ure doing is discussing semantics, you are nitpicking my statements( which may be worded sub-optimally because english isnt my first language and on top of that I have never been a good writer) and you are failing to see the bigger picture, my opinion is basically that a democratic state with a regulated free-market leads to more practical freedom( u know the one that actaully matters not the one rothbard cares about) for it citiznes than AC.
Nate you havent read enough AC threads aparently because whenever a thread like milk for poor kids comes up, libertarians usually come up with statements like:
- goverment should not be subsidizing the stupidty of single mothers.
- Nobody is opposed to somebody giving their money to the kid, but nobody should be forced to give their money to poor children.
- Its not my fault the parents of the kids are irresponsible. etc

usually once their douchebaggery gets pointed out THEN they play the " competing charity companies" card.

[/ QUOTE ]

So if you disagree with valenzeula- you are committing douchebaggery. Glad to know. Nate is also not nitpicking your statements, he is nitpicking your LOGIC. We all understand you are not a good writer. The problem is you are also an extremely poor debater.
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