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Old 10-23-2007, 02:20 AM
DMC0627 DMC0627 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 250
Default Re: Post an example of how you are a bad person.

When I was younger I was working in a collections job at a call center with an auto dialer. If the call wasn't coded correctly, it would go back in the dial queue. I got a guy on the phone who had just been called, and he completely went off on me, using vulgar language, calling me an idiot, even the c word. There weren't that many of us on that night (snowstorm so most left early) only about 8 of us.

I put him back in the immediate call queue, and ran around to my coworkers asking them to keep him in it. They all complied, and of course, we drove him crazy all night. I was thinking eventually he would take his phone off the hook, but he didn't. He just continued to get angrier and angrier. The next day I felt kind of guilty, thinking maybe he was going through a really hard time and I just made it worse.

My supervisor the next day asked to have a "talk" with me, and I thought I was in pretty big trouble over it. He just pulled me into his office, high fived me, and said he heard what I did and thought it was great. The other day, I called a woman who was past due and when she answered she started with the "you better get your sh"t together, stop calling, blah blah blah". I tried to remain professional, but she kept going on and on. Then she screamed, YOU WOKE MY BABY UP! I said, oh, excuse me, did you pay your bill on time? She said, uh... no. I said, well then.... YOU WOKE YOUR BABY UP, DIDN'T YOU?

I am trying to be a better person but it doesn't always work.
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