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Old 11-05-2007, 07:42 AM
luckyjimm luckyjimm is offline
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Default Re: Worst acts of banroll management you have ever seen....

Someone find that one thread where some guy somehow robustoed a 60,000 roll and was killing the high stakes pros, by being a huge donk. He was going on ridiculous swings.

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Two days in the life of Bluescouse:

Tuesday, July 03, 2007 £40/£80 then $250/$500

i played 2 tables of £40/£80 buying in for £3200 on each, then another 2 more buyins for £12,800 total. i made some very profitable bluffs as well as turning a full house against my opponents straight and straight flush draw (would have been royal draw also expect i had the A of that suit) and took that £20k or so pot. at one point i was up around £20k but a serious of bad bluffs and not passing against a set when i defo should have, meant i finished the session £300 down. i was pretty tilted and put my entire crypto roll on £100/£200 (£19,700). no-one came though for the first few minutes. so i opened up betfair and put my entire betfair roll $45k on $250/$500. i couldn't afford to lose both if i wanted to get the house i'm looking at so whichever table started first i would close the other.

a player on betfair joins me after awhile so i close down crypto. he buys in for $50k. first hand i raise pre and he calls. i bet flop and he check raises me. i call him down on flop turn and river when he pushes with K high and my top pair which i made on the turn was good for a $90k pot. he still has a few $k left over from the $50k and that goes shortly. he buys back for $20k and a couple of hands later i re-raise to $4500 pre with ak and he calls. the flop comes 6810. not a great flop but i commit myself by betting $7k/$8k of his $14k and change (pot $9k). he moves in instantly. i call. turn Q river A. he shows Q9 and i win the $38k pot. he leaves. i almost went back to £100/£200 as there was a player waiting but before i decided to go back he sat out and then left. +£35k for that betfair session.

since i'm trying to keep most of my roll safe for the new house my roll is just £64k. if i do bust off that £64k i'll still get the house hopefully as i'm keeping 4 months of bills/interest re-payments safe.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007 BUST

i managed to blow £64k tonight, £50k on crypto £100/£200 and £14k on betfair $250/$500. therefore the money i set aside as my roll has all gone. i can easily muster up a few hundred or maybe a couple of thousand but it's gonna be a big knock down to my confidence and happiness playing £10/£20 and lower.

i should mention a few pots but i don't feel overly enthuastic. there was one decent pot. i think it was £52k and my final hand on the crypto table. i had K6o and called a £600 raise from the button. the flop came K10x with 2 diamonds. i check called a £1000 bet. the turn was the 6d. he bet £3200 into the pot of £3298. i made it £9000 and he quickly called. the river was a 9 not a diamond. completing the QJ straight if he had that. i pushed in for whatever i had left, £15k maybe and he called with 97d for the flush. i still fully intend on getting the house. i'm disappointed of course atm but i don't feel terrible, i knew this was a possibility and i've got ages to build back up again.
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