Thread: Speeding Ticket
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Old 11-28-2007, 02:24 PM
fuzzwonder fuzzwonder is offline
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Default Re: Speeding Ticket

going to court is key. if you can't make that commitment, just pay the ticket.

you're only play here is to game the system. file for discovery asking for 1.)the front and back of the ticket (cops make notes on the back). you effed yourself by admitting 70, but see if he made note of it. 2.)the method used to determine speeding (probably radar). 3.)certification of device and is it within valid dates 4.)officers training on said device.

i don't know how familiar you are with court procedures, but you need to be prepared to put him on the stand and ask questions that force him to contradict himself, that is the way you will win. remember that whatever sob story you have isn't admissible unless YOU yourself testify and you shouldn't be doing that imo. everything hangs in finding fault in something in the discovery and having the officer acknowledge this on the stand.

i'm not a lawyer so take everything i said at face value, i have done this with reasonable success so i'm just speaking from experience.

p.s. i've used other methods too, like traffic regulations. certain roads and highways require valid engineering surveys so you can potentially invalidate a speed limit based on expired or faulty surveys. again, this depends on your local.
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