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Old 11-28-2007, 10:33 PM
Raxxmataxx Raxxmataxx is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 70
Default Re: Stud/8 weird spot

Maybe if villain manage to dodge a lot of the hands he should fold on 5th. But I don't see that happening as big pairs and four-lows never can fold and the small pairs with a 3-low only can fold if we pair our board and he bricks. And even then most of his small pairs *should* call on 5th, no matter our board cards.

So any of his strategies that try to save money when we suck out seems like it's bound to earn us more money than if we get it all-in on 4th. And if we go all-in on every 5th and 6th, that's the same as going all-in on 4th, when we do have good enough equity to do so.
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