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Old 02-06-2007, 12:31 PM
traz traz is offline
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Default Re: Cultivating obsession or drive

gump, is there nothing you're passionate about doing?

For the most part, I'm a lazy overachieving SOB too. I do no work and do better than everyone around me. I've already accepted the fact that I won't be an amazing academic student, and I likely won't get a job where I have to work my butt off doing grinding work. It's just not me. Many people can do these, for money, for recognition, or what have you. But it's just not me. If I don't like the job, I won't do it. Call that lazy if you like, but I think of it in different terms.

HOWEVER, when I find that special something that I am passionate about, I become determined to succeed and I excel. This has been true in several areas...I used to be overweight but put alot of effort into getting in shape. I found Martial Arts and devoted alot of time into getting better at that. Poker of course is another example.

My point is, I don't think it's really a bad thing to be "lazy", if you don't like the activity. Not in the sense we're talking about anyways. It's common, it's natural, and while many people will says it's a negative trait, or it's cowardly (wtf) or whatever, I believe it's just what it is. You don't like doing task x, therefore you end up not doing it. It might mean that you won't become the top dog in life, but who cares? If you're happy with that, as am I, then it's all gravy.

The trick is to get out there, try new things, find new hobbies, and you might just find something you really enjoy doing. Then, laziness doesn't even come into play, because you'll want to do those activities anyways.
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