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Old 10-30-2007, 03:25 PM
Gildwulf Gildwulf is offline
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we don't need a committee to the committee to the policy recommendation coordinator to the committee on banning ericw

just ban the mfker

we've had like three threads like this and he's a huge troll.

If you just ban him and sweep it under the table people will forget about him in a week. In the grand scheme of things, he is a very forgettable poster.

If you keep bringing up should we or should we not ban him, the anarchists/people who hate authority are just going to stick up for him for the sake of sticking up for him and he gets the attention-whoring he wants.

Lock all ericw threads, delete all of his posts and ban him. I can think of at least 5 of his threads today that deserve banning for. He is trolling you hard and has the upper hand right now in bbv4l opinion. Don't make the same mistakes I made with yves. Ban him before it's too late.

my 2 cents,
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