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Old 11-29-2007, 06:04 PM
SonOfWestwood SonOfWestwood is offline
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Default Anyone ever get a callous (??) on their left foot?

Okay, so I've had what I guess is a callous between the two smallest toes on my left foot. Basically a small area of hard skin between the toes. It's something that's only been there since I took up golf, and I've had it for quite a while now. It's not particularly painful, but sometimes I'll feel it at the end of my swings and it's a little annoying.

I've asked my instructor if he's ever heard of or experienced this and he had no ideas, only that he knows that a lot of force does go to the left side of the foot. I thought it may be a bad weight shift, but based on the videos of my swing, my instructor doesn't think that's the case.

So anyway, has anyone had this before? Is it maybe that my shoes are too tight?
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