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Old 11-15-2007, 08:12 PM
GamblorZ GamblorZ is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 30
Default Re: Marathon Training

26.5 miles.

I can make as much time as would be needed to complete it in less than 4 hours. Given my fitness levels aren't great the amount of time i can train each week will be limited.

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Well I've never trained specifically for a marathon since I normally do a lot of cardio, but theoretically the best way to train for this event would be...

1) OK you have 5 months until this event. this gives you 20 weeks to prepare - thats not a lot of time though if you keep strict with your training and incorporate some dieting advice (basically eat a lot :P) you'll be fine.
2) Before you do start make sure you have some proper running shoes - maybe visit a podiatrist if you can be bothered? They usually have reccomendations of how to improve your running posture and can tell you which shows would fit you best or even where to get custom running shoes.
3)You should train 3-4x a week. Now obviously you can't be doing full marathons every day (nor shouldnt) but every 5th week you should attempt to do the length of the marathon - too see how your progress is. You might just want to go for runs for 1-1.5 hours and try increase distance each time. Start off gradually though - maybe start off at 3x a week for 1 hour and try gradually increase time and then distance.
4) You also want to be able to "peak" for the event. The best way to peak for the event is to spend some time leading up to the event training at less intensity then what you're used too - so for a week before the marathon you may only want to run twice a week and extrapolate the time/distance as to how you'll go in the marathon. Also at week 8 and 14 you may also want to take a rest week where you train only 2x a week so to keep you from over training.

That my IMO, somebody more experienced might have a better idea.
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