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Old 11-28-2007, 05:45 PM
PartyGirlUK PartyGirlUK is offline
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Default Re: Man kills 2 People While 911 Is Telling Him Not To

Boris, which parts of 'Wanna make a bet? I'm gonna kill 'em' and 'Bang you're dead' makes you think he wasn't intending to kill these guys?

What part of his constant 'I can't get them get away with this', 'They have a bag of loot.....this is ridiculous' etc makes you believe he wasn't trying to confront them for vigilante reasons?

Believing that he has the right to take out burglars is a legit point of view. I don't agree with it, but it's legit. But listening to that phone call and coming away with the belief that he went outside solely because his property was under serious threat, took every possible precaution to avoid injuring these guys, and fired only because he was threatened and there was no other to protect himself, is extraordinary.