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Old 11-29-2007, 08:00 PM
peetar69 peetar69 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 21
Default Re: NL50: Putting people on ranges when they call 3bet PF

I really hope this thread takes off. I'm strickly LHE player that is going to make the switch. Books tend to put things in tidy little boxes and then the reality of actual play makes for a lot of WTF moments.
One thing I did notice from some study of 3/6LHE, was that position was not being played well by any of us, (comparing stats from Stox's book). I suspect when I play a bit and get some some HH's, I'll find that a number of people justify doing stupid things because "I have the position" or they enter pots very light from early position because there was one fold in front of them, thus, it is an unraised pot.I will spend a bit of time reveiwing positional plays and ranges, and try to make some sence of it.
I am brand new to NL. My 17 BI's at .05/.10 will be avalible for play when I get home from playing 3/6 with very old people at the boat tomorrow.
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