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Old 10-23-2007, 02:46 AM
yad yad is offline
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Default Re: 200NL - What is \"standard\" here?

I definitely 3bet here.

Basically the only hands that he can have and call you with that you're in serious trouble to are 77 and 55. Even against those you have decent equity. He probably folds a hand like QJ. He probably calls a smaller flush draw (sweet). He usually 3balls AQ and certainly QQ pre if he is a decent aggro tag. basically his range here is heavily polarized to stuff he's going to fold to your 3bet. and you are probably only a 60-40 dog to his calling range.

i think a lot has to do with how you play though. i am pretty loose-aggro preflop so i find people love to call and make plays at me on flops like this. so a lot of the time they will have stuff that can't stand a 3bet.
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