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Old 11-13-2007, 03:34 AM
madnak madnak is offline
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Default Re: should all good athiest sceintist should believe in......

In the beginning, there was nothing - except the uncertainty principle - which says basically that everything is uncertain. So nothing became unstable and bubbled and frothed and formed many ten dimensional bubbles. In our particular universe, six collapsed and four remained. The big bang, and consequently our universe ensued. Now, before you begin to wonder about the conservation of matter and energy, no worries. We are merely components of nothing. Just like 1 plus negative 1 equals nothing, and just like one and negative one are components of nothing, so are we.

If you take all the energy and mass and call it positive, then take all the gravity and call it negative, then it all exactly cancels out and we have nothing. We are merely components, illusory or not, of nothing

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But why is our nothing more something-like than nothing-nothing?
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