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Old 10-11-2007, 03:52 PM
Bilgefisher Bilgefisher is offline
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Default Re: Ron Paul\'s racist comments

How many people can claim they are truly not racist. I know I'm racist. Ive got good friends of every creed and color, but if I see two Mexicans walking down the street towards me at night, I tense up just a bit. Is that unfair to them, absolutely it is. Should I tense up, of course not. It happens anyway. Thats racism. I don't intend it. But, I'm not going to apologize for it either.

Do I make off color jokes, sure and I laugh at jokes about my race. Should we make them, no probably not. I'm not going to change either.

Anyone who promotes diversity is racist. You are separating races and that is inherently racist. Is it wrong, I don't think so.

Ron Paul probably is a bit racist, so be it. Will he do anything adverse towards blacks? I would guess not. Will he still make a good candidate, I think so. He may have a minor flaw, but don't we all.

He's not an adulterer, he doesn't booze, he doesn't have a criminal record, he stands for what he believes and he actually tells you what that is. He doesn't dodge tricky subjects, but tackles them head on. I think the pluses far outweigh the negatives and make him a much better candidate then anyone out there.