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Old 11-14-2007, 05:35 PM
Cornell Fiji Cornell Fiji is offline
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Default Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...

This doesn't fit with the thread subject because I don't feel guilty about it (victimless crime FTW) but it does go along with the OP so...

A month after fall break in my freshman year of college I had a midterm in a MWF class. It was Wednesday and I had not started studying and had not opened the 12 books that the exam covered. To make matters worse I had baseball practice that night and there were big parties on weds and thurs. In short, there was no way I was taking this test.

I didn't want to use the "i'm sick" excuse or "dead grandmother" excuse because I didn't want the teacher to ask me for documentation because, though the teacher was a fairly cool guy, he was a bit of a stickler for the rules. I needed an excuse that would work with no questions asked.

I sat in class on Wednesday thinking of excuses until a great one hit me...I did my best to look distraught for the rest of class and after class I asked the professor if I could speak to him.

We went up to his office and I told him that I saw my ex-girlfriend when I went home for fall break and she had just called me this morning to tell me that she was pregnant and she did not know if she wanted to keep the baby. I told the professor that I was going to leave from his office to go home to help her 'figure out what she was going to do' and that I would not be back to school on Friday to take the test.

He looked at me and just said: "You gotta do what you gotta do, just let me know when you feel up to taking the test. I hope everything comes out ok."

Of course I didn't study between the excuse and the test but I did get an A on the exam... it was an essay test though so I am not sure if my answers were good or if the professor just figured he would cut me a break because I had a lot on my mine.

Maybe I should feel bad about this... but I just see it as a funny story about my brazen college days.
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