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Old 09-18-2006, 06:08 PM
ShakeZula06 ShakeZula06 is offline
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Default Re: Radical Islam vs. Radical Christianity

No ones saying Saddam didnt turn into a huge failure. He turned on the U.S.

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Really? Being that we invaded him, some would say it's the other way around.
Islamic Terrorist was around long before we invaded Iraq. Long before 9/11. It's an Religious Ideaology.

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No one's saying anything different, however the war in Iraq has fueled the growth of terrorism. Do you disagree?
Not something that we did or didn't to them.

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I've given you a half dozen reasons why you're wrong and yet you still put this baseless assertation in every post you make.
They recruit people, they train their children, inbed it in them to hate the West.

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1. If allowed to be over run by Iran, Saudi Arabia would soon fall as well. You think the problem with oil now is bad?

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Hmm, either I missed the part where Iran wanted to invade Iraq, or you must of missed that 8 year war Iraq and Iran had that was a complete stalemate. Either way I see you're resorting to pulling ideas out of your ass as to justify the war in Iraq. I haven't even heard Hush Bimbo or Sean Vannity use that excuse.
2. U.S. creditablity will be shot, Islamic facist will see it as a huge victory, just as Hezbollah did when Israel pulled out.

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I don't know if you were paying attention, but US credibility already is shot, mostly because we invaded Iraq under false premises, Suprise!
So what if Islamic fascists (it's plural, not singular) think it's victory, does that justify spending $1billion/week and thousands of lives over? Tell me, I want to know, why are we over there?
Those will have big big consequences in the future.

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And what we're doing know doesn't? Every day US military is in Iraq killing civilains the more popular Anti-Americanism and terrorism becomes, how can you not see that?
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