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Old 05-24-2007, 02:07 PM
private joker private joker is offline
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Default Re: random thoughts on finale

My random thoughts:

* Best performance of the night was Blake vs. Doug E. Fresh. Really, really fun stuff.

* Close second best performance was Carrie on "I'll Stand By You." Her voice is really impeccable, and she commands the stage, connects with the lyrics & the audience, and looks great to boot. I'm still surprised how low she ranked on this forum's list of great singers in Idol Top 2 History. I think she's easily up there with Clay as the best. She also has genuine personality, which is... er... lacking in so many others.

* Taylor was embarrassing.

* Where was Katharine?

* Green Day -- surprising, good.

* Bette Midler -- confused, silly.

* Sanjaya & Joe Perry -- I'm over it.

I'm also one of those whose DVR cut out before the end, so I saw all the performances but not the final coronation. Which is good, because I didn't need to witness the gross, weepy reaction of that tinny, shrieky, giggling spaztard who won.

This is two crap winners in a row for this show -- they'd better get back to the Carrie/Fantasia quality fast, or they'll be known as the show who finds great talent... then eliminates them in 4th place.
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