Thread: *Dexter* 11/18
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Old 11-21-2007, 12:28 AM
pr0crast pr0crast is offline
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Default Re: *Dexter* 11/18


-dex can't kill doakes, b/c it would violate's harry's code
-doakes has to send in the slides anonymously
-dexter has to analyze the slides to verify the BHB victims' blood
-there will be a confrontation between doakes and dexter, since doakes now knows Dexter is the BHB (perhaps at one of dexters' killings)
-lundy has no idea that it's dexter. we will know if he starts to suspect dexter by if/when lundy starts distancing himself from deb


-doakes will sort of side with dexter (they are both killers) once he understand dex is the BHB and not just some nutty psychopath. they really aren't that different. doakes just can't deal with "not knowing" what Dexter is, but once he finds out we may be surprised at his reaction. if you recall season 1, doakes shot the haitian under the bridge and planted a gun on him
-OR doakes will still hate dex, realize that all the evidence points to doakes, and that he has no choice but to disappear or fake his death, and haunt dexter throughout season 3 (dex becomes the hunted)
-obviously either doakes or dexter has to take the fall for the BHB, and season 3 has been announced so clearly it isn't dexter... so, doakes will go into hiding and possibly take the heat for the BHB, but not get arrested.
-lila's death must be an open/shut case of justifiable homicide (rita will kill lila in total self defense) because the blood trail would be too obvious if she wound up randomly dead/missing by dexter's hands... the whole dept knows they are dating.
-dex and ITK share the same mother, dex and deb share the same father (the affair with the witness, etc)


-deb figures out who dex is, and has to make a choice between family and work - like dex made in season 1 when he killed his brother. she will choose to help dex by setting up doakes.


-lila goes down as the BHB (this would paralell the first season's ending, i.e. a morgan dating a serial killer)

future episode names:

Episode 10: There's something about Harry.
-perhaps Doakes finally gets to the root of Dexter's past through his research and he drops a dramabomb on Dex, like that Harry was evil and let Dex's mom die on purpose

Episode 11: Left Turn ahead
-perhaps Doakes gets framed?

Episode 12: British Invasion
-Lila obviously dies

edit: Harry can't be Dex's dad, but he may have THOUGHT he was Dex's dad because he definitely made a deliberate choice between Dex and Brian at the crime scene - why, we don't know.
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