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Old 03-01-2007, 02:33 AM
Andy B Andy B is offline
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Default Re: This business of adjusting to the ante structure

I've come home exhausted the last few days and haven't felt up to making a follow-up post. I still don't, but I'm going to have a bash at it anyway.

The basic adjustments for third street in high-ante games that people have cited are:

1) You should call more liberally with weaker pairs when someone open-completes.
2) You should open-complete more liberally with weaker pairs.
3) You should steal more liberally with a strong door card and nothing underneath.

I think that's all of them. Thing is, you make similar adjustments in a low-ante game depending on your opponents. If you have a loose-aggressive player who is raising with a wide range of hands, you should play more liberally against him, even if the ante is low. If the game is tight, you should be stealing more. You weigh a bunch of different factors--your opponents, the cards that are out, what you have, what's behind you, how much is in the pot, who's steaming, how your opponents perceive you, etc.--to arrive at your decisions about what you play and how you play it. There is no point at which the ante becomes the dominating factor, and that's really all I've been trying to say here.
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