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Old 11-28-2007, 01:38 AM
Gamblor Gamblor is offline
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Default View: angle shooting

First: I am the farthest thing from an angle shooter (as far as I know). I generally play ABC when it comes to anything but the cards and my action. I sit, i play the hands i'm dealt, make reads, and bet/raise/fold/check/whatever else you can do.

The point: Why are angle-shooters looked down on? Isn't angle shooting part of poker? Isn't that the point? To hustle and not be outhustled?

It's up to the players to a) take whatever shots they can get, and b) not let anyone take angles against them.

The gist: The guy who says full house, and you muck, and then shows king high, has deservedly won the hand because he convinced you to be an idiot and muck your cards before showing them. He is not an unethical player.

Anyone think otherwise?

Does this qualify as a "View" on poker or should this be elsewhere?
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