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Old 09-04-2007, 03:27 AM
Bob T. Bob T. is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Shakopee, MN
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Default A story.

When I was in college, shortly after the invention of the internal combustion engine, I went to Chicago on some kind of break with my roommate. We visited bars. ( I know, shocking) and in one of the bars, someone had carved 'Alfonso Bedoya was here.' into a wooden booth.

We didn't know who Alfonso Bedoya was, but my roommate thought it was a cool name, so he frequently said 'Alfonso Bedoya was here', and it became sort of a nickname for him.

Ok, now its fast forwarded to a bungh of years later, to a home game, and at the end of the hand, someone says, 'Ok, show me your aces.' And the other person says, 'Aces, we don't need no stinkin aces.' and shows his hand, which wasn't aces, but it still was a winner.

Anyway, we start talking about where did the phrase, 'Badges, we don't need no stinkin badges' appear in the movies. A lot of people remembered that it was in Blazing Saddles, but nothing in that movie was original, it was all little references to other movies, so that probably wasn't the answer.

Ok, so I go home, and type the phrase into some search engine, and find out that it originally was from 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre'. And the character that said it was yellowhat, played by .....Alfonso Bedoya.

Anyway, armed with this information, I typed my roommate's name into a search engine, and was rewarded with his position, and office phone number. So I called him told him who Alfonso Bedoya was, and discussed life. Anyway, we called a bunch of our other friends that we were still in touch with, or at least could find, and we all went out and had a couple of drinks and a mini reunion.

There isn't any content here, but you all can answer a couple more trivia questions, if the right situation comes up.