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Old 05-18-2007, 10:16 PM
Bobo Fett Bobo Fett is offline
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Default Recurring bonuses - potentially a sticky?

dlk9s posted this a couple of days ago:

If someone wants to make a solid, detailed post covering recurring bonii, I will be happy to sticky it.

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So I thought I'd take him up on it. I'm not so bold as to think I know all of the bonuses inside-out though, so I thought I'd start a thread where we try and get all of the bonuses together. Then maybe I can make a clean post with all of the info, and see if we can get it stickied. So, let's start off with who has the monthly or unlimited poker bonuses, and work from there:

Cryptos - Sun, Interpoker, Will Hill, Littlewoods, Playboy, Bet Safe. Leaving out Total Bet and UK Betting, because they are moving networks.
OnGame - Eurobet, Hollywood?
Ultimate (Points For Cash)
Microgaming - Purple Lounge
True Poker - Third Bullet

As I've put this list together, I've discovered there's some lines that need to be drawn. Many sites offer rake back directly (NordicBet & Stan James for example), or something that equates to rakeback (Poker World is an example). If these are to be included, then why not all sites that offer rakeback, and then this list suddenly belongs in A/R. I'm thinking we should leave all rakeback/rakeback equivalent bonuses off, but an exception should probably be made for WSEX. 100% RB is huge, and no affiliate is their Aces promotion is also a recurring bonus. Ultimate is also a bit of an exception...their points for cash is a weekly bonus, and it is in addition to other bonuses and rakeback; I think it's worthy of inclusion.

To me the whole idea of a list like this is to make people aware of sites they may want to have on their lists to visit on a regular basis for recurring bonuses that are substantially better than (or in addition to) rakeback alone. I'd love to have some input on this. Also, I'm sure I've missed some sites, please post any others.
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