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Old 02-21-2007, 12:13 PM
KRANTZ KRANTZ is offline
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Default Re: Official February Thread: General Discussion/etc

Hey guys,

As some of you may be aware, Dean. and I are in the pre-production phase of a documentary profiling online poker players, set against the upcoming WSOP and impending legislation enforcements. IF you're interested in being part of it, please email us at to fill out a questionaire (we need the responses NO LATER than March 4).

Once the screening process is complete (and if we get the right mix of candidates), we'll follow up with further details regarding the scope of the project (we would be filming from mid-March through the WSOP). But rest assured, we are committed to creating something great, something fun, and something that will represent our community in a heretofore unseen and exciting manner.



*Your questionaire answers will NOT be shared with anyone outside of our documentary "team," unless consent is given.*

**ANYONE can fill out the questionaire - we're looking for the most compelling people (from college kids to grandfathers), and not necessarily the biggest winners. We want to show both ends of the spectrum.**