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Old 11-30-2007, 04:50 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Default Quantifying The Degree of Difference Between Free Weights And Machines

For those of you who are firm believers that free weights are better, let me ask a question to get a handle on how much better.

Hypothetical scenario. You are in good shape, have no afflictions and are an expert at this stuff. Possibly one of the emp brothers. You have access to a great gym and all the time in the world. Plus spotters and any kind of bench for free weights. Chains too.

You have general fitness goals but nothing so specific such as Olympic Weightlifting where free weights or machines would have more or less of an advantage than usual.

You are asked to design your optimum workout in your opinion for both machines and free weights (if there are any gizmos that could be considered hybrids, skip them). No mixing.

After two years you claim better results with the free weights. My question is this: Suppose I said that if you use your optimum free weight workout you must cut it by a third. Across the board. And stop two reps short of failure when you otherwise would not have. Would you still surpass the results you would get from your optimum machine workout?
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