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Old 09-01-2007, 12:33 PM
Tien Tien is offline
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Default Re: What do you want to do when you grow up?

What do you want to do when you grow up?
I got asked that question constantly when I was a kid, and I always gave some half-assed answer. Oddly, I never sat down and tried to figure out for myself what I actually wanted to do. I'm not sure that it occurred to me that I'd have to decide. Careers were one of those things that just happened to you as you got older; like wrinkles, gray hair, and watching golf on TV.

So now I am grown up and I still don't know what I want to do. I'm halfway through my working life and still can't decide. I've had all sorts of jobs, many of which I did quite well, but none of them felt like a "calling" or whatever the hell I'm supposed to feel. So I have some questions.

1) What did you want to do when you grew up?
2) Did you actively decide upon a career?
3) If so, is that the career you now have?
4) Do you have some "dream job" that you'd love to pursue but have not?
5) How old is too old to start a career from scratch?
6) Why won't Jessica Alba return my calls?

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1) When I grew up I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do.
2) I never decided on a "career". I hate careers. I decided to learn how to start my own businesses.
3) I don't call it a career. I call it a life long journey. I have a real estate investing business.
4) I created my own dream job and I do it everyday.
5) It's never too late to do what you want to do in life.

I find it pretty ludricrous that people have to grow up and find a dream "job". As if you think life will somehow hand deliver you a "perfect" job that you love.

You have to figure out what you enjoy doing in life and build a life AROUND THAT.

What I enjoy doing in life is building a real estate empire property by property as well as starting and building businesses in general. I built my entire life AROUND THAT.

Sitting around waiting for life to give you what you want is like sitting around waiting to die. Don't do it. Go out there, take time, find out what you want to do in life, and build your career around it.
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