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Old 07-29-2007, 10:34 PM
mbillie1 mbillie1 is offline
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Default Ask me about bumming it

Disclaimer: after 6+ months of bumming it I have resigned myself to employment for at least a short while.

Prolegomena: doing things you don't want to do sucks. Working is a huge beat for 99.9% of people in the world. Unless you are a secret agent or an astronaut, your job sucks. You may have resigned yourself to the fact that it is what it is, you may not mind working, but let's face the cold, hard economic reality: if work didn't suck, they wouldn't have to pay you to do it. I'm pretty lazy. My ultimate goal if I had infinite $$ would be to laze around, travel, eat food and chill all the time. I evaluate potential jobs with a sort of balance system:

A job is either rewarding (pays well or whatever else you consider compensation for working... but basically pays well) or is easy. As pay increases, my tolerance for workload increases. As pay decreases, I expect to do less. Extrapolate this and you will realize that being broke but having absolutely zero responsibilities fits into this system. Ask me how to do it.

Ask me about having no money and getting by nicely anyway, or how to live busto, etc. I read threads like "zomg I'm down to my last $2k online!" and "zomg I'm getting evicted!" and sense that BBV4L could use some sagely advice on how to get by with nothing but what you already own.
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