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Old 08-19-2007, 08:12 PM
brokestackmtn brokestackmtn is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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Default Los Angeles NL Cash Game Players

I have been playing No Limit in Los Angeles for several years, and the $200NL for the past 2 regularly (1+ times/week).

The past six months have been a real struggle, the past 2 weeks a -$1700 nightmare. I have fixed most leaks in my game and feel like I understand the game and how to play it, but have gotten killed. Last night, I played in the $400nl at Commerce and was up to $1600 in 45 minutes. Then, in 2 hands with all the money in on the flop and I was a favorite (set against flush draw, top 2 against oesd) I was drawn out on on the river. It seems like I am on the bad side of variance x 100. I couldn't do anything about it, other than leaving after 45 minutes, but this is the one thing about the LA casinos that sucks - 30 miles away and it took me 1 hour to get there. I find it hard to make that decision to leave when the action is nuts and the game is good.

I would like to hear from other cash game nl players in Los Angeles - what are your stats/win rates like.....doesn't have to be specific, maybe percentages of sessions won over time. From what I have seen/experienced I can't tell if there are any long term winners at these lower, capped limits.

I have tried taking multiple buyins and waiting it out, but from my stats, it seems that 2 - 3 are the max - after that I don't play right, anyway. Besides, some nights it feels like such a chore to be -$800 only to leave the table with $1000 after 6 hours of hard work.

I have thought about taking my shot at the uncapped games, but now my bankroll is severely depleted. It's not that I think 'they will respect my raise' as much as I can see the difference in playing the uncapped 2/5 at the Wynn and the other capped games.

Rereading this post, I guess I am very disgruntled with poker in general - it may be time for a break.