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Old 11-09-2007, 02:52 PM
Ikaika Ikaika is offline
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Default Re: Another friends and jail situation

If your friend was stupid enough to put his name and return address on there then its gonna get messy, but basically you just need to have someone besides yourself bring the package into your home. If the package is being monitored by law enforcement, you're screwed if you personally bring it into your've accepted delivery by doing so. If a friend/family member carries it in without your knowledge, you never technically accepted delivery and should be fine if you just tell the DEA or w/e that you had no knowledge of a package being shipped to you and that you were going to refuse it had your friend/family member not brought it into your home.

This is a pretty common thing on the bodybuilding forums...guys will get gear shipped to them and they just have someone else bring it into their house for them.
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