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Old 09-25-2007, 04:54 AM
aislephive aislephive is offline
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Default Re: top 2 150 deep against nittish player

Yeah I run at around 21/18 and KTs is an autoraise for me UTG, and I've run a nittier than 17/13 over a few hundred hands on one table several times before.

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Now take "several times" and compare it to how often you've not run nittier than 17/13. Point being we can't rule out KT but we can discount it.

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Several times is an understatement. I'd say that I run at around 17/13 on a certain table a couple times a session. So no, we cannot discount KT.

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Discount = making less likely. Yes, we can. I'm not going to calculate how often you'll run 17/13 or less over 200 hands, but it's def less than 20%.

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You don't have to add every combo of KTs. If you're using pokerstove only use one or two suits to weight it more accurately. Taking it out altogether is silly.
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