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Old 09-26-2007, 05:49 PM
bigmonkey bigmonkey is offline
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Default Re: Interesting US civics test

I got 35 out of 60, although I am British. A lot of the questions didn't mean much to me and were obviously badly worded. For example:

27) Which statement is a common argument against the claim that “man cannot know things”?
A. Professors teach opinion not knowledge.
B. Appellate judges do not comprehend social justice.
C. Consensus belief in a democracy always contains error.
D. Man trusts his ability to know in order to reject his ability to know.
E. Social scientists cannot objectively rank cultures.

WTF? I actually got this one right, but only because I went for the one which fitted LEAST BADLY as an answer. Also, WTF has Plato got to do with the USA?

Appropiate answers to question 27 above would be something like:
F. G.E.Moore knows he has hands.
G. God would not deceive man about reality because He is benevolent.
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