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Old 11-05-2006, 08:24 PM
mak15 mak15 is offline
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Default Forgot exam date, make up excuse or take it?

This hasn't actually happened to me, but certainly could and I was thinking about it tonight. So what would you do?

You havn't been to this class in like a month and know you have midterm coming up but are pretty sure it's on thursday. however, as you go to begin looking at the material sunday night you realize the test is actually at 10:30 AM the next day. The material is pretty difficult and even with all night cramming you would be lucky to get a C. this is the second of 3 tests in the class (each worth 33% of your final grade) and you got a c+ on the first one even though you should have done better, stupid mistakes or whatever. Do you take the exam or make up an excuse? and if you make up an excuse what is it?

if it matters, you are at a top flight school with a below average cumulative gpa of 3.0. the class is required but not part of your major.. you don't care too much about grades since you don't plan to go to grad school and kind of are thinking about playing poker or at least getting a job that is not super competitive after graduation.
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