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Old 10-12-2007, 03:47 PM
Taylor Caby Taylor Caby is offline
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Default Re: Buying a first home: Las Vegas

these are good points. he doesn't need to own a house out in vegas though, he can rent, so the state income tax should work either way. also, from what i have been told, claiming the home office thing is one of the surest ways to get audited. for getting a tax rebate on 1/6th of his mortgage payment, as a professional poker player who probably has some things he wouldn't want the IRS seeing, that might not be the wisest decision.

i guess what i'm thinking about reading all of these replies is that there really is no "right" answer here. i don't think anyone can argue that renting is not the safer course of action here. if i'm an internet poker player (which i am), i'm certainly looking to minimize any other risks in my life over the next two years, at least until we all know more about how the environment in which we work in will change.

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