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Old 10-27-2007, 07:23 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Do you think dogs get lonely?

They even die occasionally when their doggy buddies die. They are very, very much pack animals, not loners.

But I think a good relationship with them while you're home does wonders. The bad thing to do is when you come home, be too lazy to walk them, or keep shoving them out of the way when they come over to lick you or stick their nose on you or whatever. Dogs are a messy business, but so what? They need very, very little compared to what we can give, and compared to all the love they can give, but sometimes even giving a little can feel like a nuisance. A nice owner will not train his dog to be constantly all over him by rewarding him too much, but won't treat him like a cardboard box stuffed into an empty corner either. That "hangdog" expression when you've rejected them sure is a miserable guilt-inducer!

I'm sure you could make a dog happy even if you have a working life like everyone else does, Katy. It's just that you really need to make a commitment to walk them every day and pay some attention to them every day, and never treat them like some sort of burdensome furniture. Besides, walking them is good for you too! Guaranteed food for your soul, if you let it be.
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