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Old 10-20-2007, 05:20 AM
Kimbell175113 Kimbell175113 is offline
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Default Re: Learning to communicate

OP, how old are you?

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If 18+, explain the "don't drink, but plan on it in future."

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Wish I could (explain it). I am just a sad, lonely hermit.

I agree with whoever said get a girlfriend. It really does work wonders. Beyond that, whoever said mellow out in general was on the right track. Try some weed or something.

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Are you any good at reading/presenting stuff outloud? I think it's a valid question for purposes of determining your situation. Like, say you are given a presentation to present in front of class/co-workers, where you are going to have ample time to prepare, memorize, & practice what you are about to say. Do words flow easier then?

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Yes. On a related note, I was recently signing up for next semester's classes and decided to throw an intro acting class in there; we'll see what happens.

nice post. But I don't really mind that people don't get it; my problem is that I don't explain it well. It's like when you take text and put it through a translator program, then back into English, and it's all goofy: that's what happens when I learn something from someone (or a book or forum) and then try to explain it.

Toastmasters guys,
yes, I've heard that as well. I'll think about it.

thanks for the advice. I guess the thing is, I already know I should be trying to make friends, to be more confident, be a better writer, etc., but I was trying to ask about something a little more specific. Anyway, none of this stuff can hurt. I think the taperecorder suggestion is the best for what I was asking for, and I'll def put that into action.
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