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Old 01-25-2007, 08:07 AM
grando grando is offline
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Default Re: The Missing Trip Report

start of the new stuff:

So it's about 6:30 and the show starts at 7:00 (or we get to the theatre at 7 and it starts at 7:30) - regardless we're 1/2 hour early. That's fine though - I need to sit down and perhaps enjoy a beverage while waiting. First we go to our seats though. Hmmmm these are pretty sweet seats. The first thing I notice is that our seats don't have a plastic hoodie on it. [censored]! Wait a second - my inexplicably sober self tells me that this is probably a good thing. It is at this point that I contemplate going and getting a drink - of course I'm way too lazy to do that. So we sit and chat for a little bit while people-watching. From the crowd it looked like this was a NASCAR race - beer t-shirts and dirty jeans all over the place. Of course there were some people that weren't staying at the El Dorado watching, but they seemed few and far between. This astonished me at the Venetian.

At this point, please be reminded that there are undoubtedly going to be minor spoilers about the show here, so if you don't like that squint your eyes and look for key words like "drunk", "slots o' fun", "drinking" - you know, fun words. Anyways, on to the show.

We also noticed before the show started that there were little LED scrolly things along the top right and top left walls. Initially they were used to tell people about no cameras, no leaving during the show, etc. But then they started getting creative (creative in the sense that it was almost certainly the same for every show, but I digress) by making it interactive by wishing certain people "happy birthday" and inducing the crowd to wish them one too, and getting more funny as they went along. It was moderately funny, and somewhat clever. ***Disclaimer*** I am really looking forward to this show - I dunno if that makes me ghey, but if it does, ram me up the ass right now. Who knows, I might like it.

So the show starts with 3 guys beating coloured drums (it might have been 1 then 2 then 3, or 2 then 3, or 3 then 2 then 1 - hell it could have been 3 the whole [censored] time) - regardless there was a lot of drum beating by 3 guys. Colours in the sky, interesting music, and yes, drum beating. This escalated into the beating of other objects - pipes, um....well just a variety of things. Use your imagination. Meh, that sounds like too much work. There are some other cool visual illusions going on as well. Oh, and they give you earplugs - probably cause it's loud or something? I didn't use mine - mostly cause I couldn't get them in my ears. Man I'm retarded.

Then they started bringing a couple "volunteers" on the stage. These people were almost certainly pre-screened, as they seemed to know a little too much about what was going on. Anyways, the group started doing little skits with these volunteers, and they were pretty funny. Not Borat-laugh-out-loud funny, but random-guy-pushing-wheelchair-and-ramming-him-into-curb-quiet-inside-laughter funny. Of course the kids would laugh at stuff like a funny face one of the guys was doing - "mom look you spent 100 bucks on this moderately clever display on me, your 5 year old kid who doesn't even know who his real dad is - you are smart, and probably slooty". I dunno why, but I really hate kids, but not their slooty moms. But I digress.

Anyways, the show goes on - it's getting kind of tiresome because there's only so much musical drumming you can fit into 2 hours. I mean, I watched Stomp the musical and they at least danced, and had dancing girls on stage. Wait, maybe it was just guys. Ruh roh. Anyways, back to girls - my g/f was liking the show, but you could see she was getting tired of it too. Then for some reason a TON of tissue paper came out of the rafters. I don't mean 'I gotta blow my nose' type of tissue - I'm talking about 'Peter North just blew his load on 12 sloots' type of tissue. And it was our job to bring the paper to the front so that Peter could clean himself up. Or something more artistic - I can't remember. Anyways, this goes on for a good 15 minutes - and this was undoubtedly a huge downer for me towards the show. I came here to be non-interactive. I mean, if you wanted me to do something, at least make it interesting. My g/f ate it up though - she was so excited! Ok, good for you - I make a mental note to buy a pack of Downy toilet paper to entertain her while I'm 8-tabling.

Soon after that the show was over - the beginning was great, and there were some quality spots within the show. Overall though, I was expecting a little more. I gave it a 7.5, but would have given it 8.5 had the tissue thing not been involved. As for if I had to pay for it again, I probably wouldn't - relative to other shows we could have seen I think there are many others that could have used my money. I mean, $100 is like what, 1 hand of casino war? Well 10 for ALMUSTOs like me.

K so we get out of the theatre from different doors than we came in from, and we have absolutely no clue where the hell we are going. I mean, how can you get lost in a casino?!? Once you are two steps away from anywhere where you can spend money, I'm sure the casino twists the rest of the room around so that they veer your $$$$ towards them. For some reason they don't want our money. Anyways, we're looking for a bathroom, and after wandering around the V mall (I think it was the mall anyways) we find this super sketchy area with 2 vending machines and washrooms. It seemed so out of place from the rest of the hotel - there were no canals here. It seemed like we were at a bus station - a nice bus station with classy, debutante, bus station skanks - but a bus station nonetheless. So we go to the washroom, get some water and a lemonade from the machine after spending 5 minutes trying dollar bill after dollar bill - god loonies are so much better than stupid dollar bills. Man - this clear, non alcoholic liquid is pretty tasty! Just the refreshment we need to get to the strip!
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