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Old 04-17-2007, 09:11 PM
Edge34 Edge34 is offline
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Default Ridiculous prof story

So I'm sitting here making dinner, and my roommate tells me about some play his math prof pulled today.

Math 193, the "required" math class, unless you tested out of it with calc from high school.

Apparently today, about half the class wasn't there. So in response, the professor passes around a sign-in sheet. She says that once everyone's name is on it, she will have something for all of them. Here's where it gets interesting.

She says she's going to give them all an answer to the next test. Not extra credit, mind you, but an actual test answer. The question will be worth 5 points. She is going to hang onto the list, as well, and if anybody who's name is not on there answers the question right then nobody gets it - basically, no spreading it.

The question: What is the name of my fourth son?

How effed is that? A 100 level math course with NO attendance policy, forcing students who happened to not be here on this day (5th absence or 1st), automatically taking away 5 points on a MATH test because you don't know the name of her son.

I called her out on it and said it was BS. My roommate, who skips as much class as anybody I've ever known, thinks its perfectly fine and is all of a sudden saying its the student's responsibility to be in class. He brought up the fact that we pay approx. $16 per day per class to be there. I say that's enough loss if I know the material that professor is paid to teach. He says its not.

I know its long, but any thoughts? This seems like the type of thing I'd take to the department head if I were one of the people who was absent for the first time.
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