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Old 10-11-2007, 12:35 PM
Flip-Flop Flip-Flop is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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Default Re: WSOP on ESPN thread (10/9 - ME Final Table)

It`s not Yang...his extremely annoying scream ( Yeeeahhh!!! )and even the extremely embarrassing praying escapades that put me on life tilt the most.

I felt very frustrated when I was watching the idiocy they call ME-FT mostly because I could not believe a huge donk like Yang that obviously do not understand even some very basic poker concepts can get away with murder on a table where you at least have few Pros that can find the best strategy against a loser like him.
I mean...even a reraise all-in PF with 51%+ equity hands would have done it if anything.
Because thats what you up against.... a random hand FFS!!!!.

To be fair.. some of them tried and the pray-boy sucked out horribly I guess but still.... all of those self proclaimed "professionals" were playing like scared chickens and they were all trying to fold their way to victory....sad.
That Hilm dude tried to stand up to him but he choose the wrong moment of course..because all it took post-flop to kill the idiot was TPGK..and the idiots try to bluff instead.....grrrrrr.

So yeah, it was more disappointing to watch the bad plays of the better players then the praying idiocy.
Calling with gut-shots? bluffing? ARE YOU FUXING KIDDING ME ?????
I`m not gonna comment on the QQ vs JJ fiasco because the QQ guy is just a fish amateur and I don`t expect anything better from him.
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