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Old 11-14-2007, 06:54 PM
Worm1313 Worm1313 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 57
Default Re: Poker After Dark thread (week of 11/12 - Show Open)

Hellmuth's antics against donks are rather funny, as his criticism's are usually valid.

When made against non donks though they just come across so ignorant and make him look so stupid.

I think he thinks that his comments will somehow manipulate his opponents into playing differently. He clearly doesn't like people raising too much after he limps, so he makes a big production, accusing them of playing wild, hoping it will stop them from doing so? Or he claims to be limping with small pairs as an attempt to trap to scare them into not doing so?

I think he thinks he can manipulate them into playing a style he likes more... but I highly doubt that it works. Hell I'd want to reraise him even more after I realized he was doing this.

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I think he just likes the sound of his own voice.

Hellmuth used to be entertaining. But then he just kept using the same schtick, over and over again. It's irritating because he always says the same stuff, acts the same way. He's always criticizing others, saying that he's the best hold 'em player in the world, yet somehow he's always on the shortstack.

I'm actually surprised he hasn't gotten sick of himself yet.
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