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Old 11-28-2007, 09:17 AM
mrkilla mrkilla is offline
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Default Re: Heroes - 11/26 - A whole bunch of stuff going on

I finally got to see Mondays EP last night. Oh boy wtf...
From what I recall in reading the show was suppose to run like 3-4 more episodes this season as well as start a spin off all of which has been put on hold because of the strike. Is it any excuse for Muscle Mimic girl running up a wall and back flipping over a 2 foot high fence that my dog could clear no, but I'd like to think they at least would have drawn the story out a little more then say "Oh no Adam and Peter going for the Virus , I R Hiro I must stop!" etc etc.

I hope that Hiro takes Peter on a time travel mission to see that Adam is a tool. Otherwise count Hiro pretty much dead. Also as far as Hiro doing the "Here I am, No I'm not" behind Peter. Well Peters already in the "space/time" 'space' that Hiro is in. So like how would that work, double time stoppage?

Sylar is about to become bad ass again, awesome. I like how this played out with him though I could of done with out the wonder twins. Unless of course him and the Mexican chick become like super evil together. Else it was a long drawn out pointless Journey with the wonder twins just fro him to suck up a new power.

More hot Cheerleader Claire less of the talky talky boo hoo's

Please Please Please hand to hand cat fight.

I really hope this show gets better again next season (which I will still be watching)
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