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Old 11-21-2007, 09:48 AM
xxThe_Lebowskixx xxThe_Lebowskixx is offline
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Default what do artists get out of creating art

suppose someone has a great story or a great painting inside of them. getting it out could take years of torment, failure and misery.

if the effort worth it?

what the artist gains:

1. financial gain (sometimes)
2. respect from peers, fame (sometimes)
3. self satisfaction with his creation/achievement

I'm concerned with #3. Do we have any artists on record saying whether all their pain was worth it? Are artists victims who were cursed with a capacity for greatness and realizing this felt a responsibility to sacrifice their blood and sweet?

If a director watches his film 500 times to make sure its perfect, aren't we the viewer who sits down relaxingly to watch it getting more out of it than he does?
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