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Old 11-10-2007, 02:23 PM
LuckyMux LuckyMux is offline
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Default Re: Latest AP press release


The opacity of Absoloot's ownership structure would not be a problem if they weren't lying, swindling thieves. But they are, so it is.

And don't forget: plenty of 'second-tier' people covered for them too (maybe out of fear of being fired, maybe for a nice bonus in their monthly - who knows?).

The name of Absolute Poker is hanging over the entire industry like a bad smell. More NON-poker-playing people have heard about the scandal than poker players - and every day that number increases. Think any of those people will ever try online poker now?

All AP has ever admitted to is that which they could no longer deny. Their twisting, turning, weasel-worded statements have been carefully designed to mesh with the known facts without giving anything else away. Even the latest claim that 'everyone has been refunded' has been exposed as yet more spectacular bullsh*t. They can't stop.

AP has been shown - repeatedly - to be run by liars, cheats and criminals.

Now those same people are promising to be good from now on, but nobody will ever know for sure. We will just have to take their word for it - and hope they stop deleting all those incriminating hand histories...

Absoloot has made its mark on poker history. It won't wash off.
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