Thread: Your Edge
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Old 04-29-2006, 12:57 AM
_dave_ _dave_ is offline
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Default Re: Your Edge

if you are using amount won, then how is this any different than measuring your edge with your winrate?

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean (pt)BB/100, right?

Initially, I just read this:
It seems to me like it should be just $PIP, not $VPIP. The blinds are part of your investment to play poker... right? It would seem like your edge is total $ returned over total money invested, including forced bets. Or am I thinking about this wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

And thought - PT can do this, let's try some SQL. I came up with the above. Then I saw your post, and thought - Have I just done something completely pointless? Is this not just winrate? I am still not sure....

I added some code to my original statement to filter levels, and ran more tests on my more recent PostgreSQL database, incedentally, it seems PGSQL doesn't like the ROUND() function, so I removed it.

I ended up with this:

------------------------- code ----------------

screen_name, COUNT(game_players.game_id) AS HANDS,
SUM(total_bet) AS BET, SUM(total_won) AS WON,
((SUM(total_won)/SUM(total_bet))-1)*100 as EDGE,
SUM(total_won)-SUM(total_bet) as PROFIT

FROM players, game_players, game, game_level
WHERE players.player_id = game_players.player_id
AND game_players.game_id = game.game_id
AND game.game_level_id = game_level.game_level_id
AND game_level.game_level_desc = '<font color="red">NL $50</font>'
AND screen_name='<font color="blue">your_screenname_here</font>'
GROUP BY screen_name;


I added PROFIT, which matches up with PT stats, so I guess it works OK, but EDGE seems to bear little relation to winrate (ptBB/100) as displayed by Poker Tracker.


NL $50 - 8965 hands, 3.82ptBB/100, EDGE 1.345%
PL $50 6m - 46 hands, 3.15ptBB/100, EDGE 1.857%

Very small sample size for the PL $50 I know, but these two are the two levels that have a similar ptBB/100 in my database. The thing is here - NL50 better winrate but a higher EDGE.

I am unfortunately none the wiser as to what this newfound stat describes, but I know it isn't the same as ptBB/100.

I am thinking it has something to do with the amount of varience in a player's game, so it will take many hands to become at all valuable? or maybe it is greatly affected by uncalled overbets?

Perhaps this is a totally useless stat? Maybe someone who knows more about numbers can enlighten us as to the value of this calculation.

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