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Old 06-11-2006, 12:18 AM
Alan3 Alan3 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 41
Default Re: Game Theorists - Never Nash in Poker?

Isn't any non-equilibrium strategy exploitable by some other non-equilibrium strategy? I've assumed that a very good player can recognize exploitable strategies and adjust their strategies accordingly. A couple of good player might adjust their strategies in the same way to take advantage of a player who does not adjust.

It seems to me that you need some sense of what the equilibrium space looks like in order to recognize strategies off of it. I imagine several good players all adjusting their strategies against each other in some sort of orbit around equilibriums. Could one of the players implement a sort of Lyapunov function in the way they chance strategies to guide the group to a stable equilibrium?

This is probably a bit academic and not of very much practical use. At least I haven't figured out a way to make use of it. And I'm not really sure that it is correct. I know just enough about this stuff to be dangerous.
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