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Old 11-28-2007, 08:06 PM
sternroolz sternroolz is offline
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Default Re: Having a \"Real\' Job

LOL that people make $80K to start with and that its hard to get a decent paying job. Also LOL that I had any kind of job or career waiting in the wings. Things don't work like that for most people. You have to work your way up and that takes a few years of sticking to things. I'm with OP on this one. Same thing as OP first job in the mid 90's after college paid $28K for ~55 hours a week(salaried in violation of state law). Anyway, I sucked badly at that job so got to work at a job paying $22K a year. Hated that job so much that I worked my rear end off to make my bosses look good...better than me even....and after a couple years was a very desireable employee and took a new job starting at $35K a year and did well and so forth.

Anyway, like OP said, its super nice having a paycheck that covers living expenses and then some. Plus my hours are flexible so I work M-TH 10.5 hours a day, and then play poker at Commerce $20-40 LHE on TH, F, and Sa night. It's hella sweet, I have medical and dental coverage for free, a retirement plan, don't pay social security taxes, and enough left over to put further savings aside. Also 12 sick days a year, 13 paid holidays(translating into like 10 four day weekends a year), and other goodies.

BTW, the number of LA players that succeed in being full time pros for more than a year or two can probably be counted on my two hands and two feet. Its an extremely low number that can sustain it.

Another BTW, the job I do currently has a couple hundred openings and is accepting applications closing Friday. No one ever takes me up on it, which I can't understand, but whatever. Starts at $45K now, and its easy to promote and make up to $85K or so. It's possible to make twice that, but it is more difficult to get those positions. Only requirement is to have a 4 year degree. Here is the site: Govt job.
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