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Old 10-27-2006, 12:19 AM
jaym96822 jaym96822 is offline
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Default SIA Senate Bet Info

For anyone interested in the details of SIA's Control of Senate bet:

The Iowa electronic market shows a 25% chance of Democrats taking the Senate. That makes SIA's 1.4:1 on Republicans a good bet.

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Chris: Hi, X. My name is Chris. How may I help you?
X: I had a question on one of your political prop bets
X: For the US Senate bet
X: if the US Senate results in a 50-50 tie
X: is the bet graded push / no action?
X: or is the Vice President's tie-breaking vote counted as being a Republican Senate?
Chris: Give me a minute to look into it..
Chris: It would go to who ever gets the position.
X: what does that mean?
Chris: If it goes to the tie breaker who ever gets it after that would be the winning bet.
X: so if the Senate is split 50-50, and the VP is a Republican, the "Republicans hold the Senate" bet would win?
Chris: Yes.
X: ok, thank you
Chris: No problem, have a great night.
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