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Old 11-19-2007, 11:09 PM
vulturesrow vulturesrow is offline
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Default Re: The Right of Privacy

I think I see what you're getting at.

Something to keep in mind is that as it becomes more common for people to easily dig up that picture of you puking into the bushes or making out with a fat chic, social expectations will change in accordance. Since it's easier to find out that your neighbor likes to smoke pot or your old best friend from middle school is gay, people will just get used to interpreting these things as less of a big deal. I think what you're getting at is actually a good thing, as exposure to other peoples' habits encourages tolerance. I tend to think intolerance of others' personal private behaviors really only exists because people aren't exposed to it. So they're biased into thinking it is a big deal and they need to stop it.

And of course, like Burgundy said, if something is really that private to you, you just don't post it on the internet (or put yourself in a position where someone else could take a picture of it).

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Actually I think this raises a pretty interesting thought (and its a complete digression from the OP, which I apologize for), but it will be interesting to see what happens to people from my generation (early to mid 30s)when they start running for high vis. public offices. I think it could actually have the effect of keeping people from running because they know how easy it is to dig up information on your online activities.
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