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Old 10-28-2007, 05:29 PM
Rootabager Rootabager is offline
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Default Re: Do you think dogs get lonely?

I have a one year old weimaraner. They have really bad separation anxiety. She hates being left alone. And now when she know I am getting ready to leave she will get sad and put her ears down and lay on the couch.

I am super active and take my dog for runs or hiking probably 6 days a week. I knew I would have to do this when I got her because she is such a high energy dog.

Take that into account when you get a dog. Dont get a high energy dog if you are not a high energy person. They will drive you crazy.

It's true about alot of people who have dogs dont train them enough. I never use the leash anymore. She will just run and walk on my right side while I am walking and ignore other dogs and people.

Also take them to the dog park when they are young so they get used to playing with other dogs.

I still feel SUPER! bad about leaving my dog when I go to work and stuff. she will sit and look at me out the window when I leave. It's super sad.

I am going to get another dog for x-mas. I am thinking of getting a vizsla, which is almost exactly like a weimaraner only brown and a little smaller.

Here is pictures of my baby.

It has been storming here all week so bad that I could not take her for runs outside and she has been going crazy in the house. Being really restless.

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