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Old 11-29-2007, 08:34 PM
Phase2 Phase2 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 17
Default Re: Cash game pros - lifestyle (and numbers) questions

Thank you for all the responses!

As for all of you who are saying to wait before going pro, a bit too late for that. I was playing part time for the last year, and was able to clear a decent profit. Only thing is i couldnt play nearly as much as I wanted to, due to the girlfriend and job. Now that i got rid of those 2 dead-weights (hehe) I get to play much more. It just never seemed to make sens for me to need to go to bed after a winning session of 400-1000$ in a night, even though i was playing solid poker against donkeys, because i needed sleep to go to my 8hour day job that made me 110$...

I am giving it a shot for this winter, and i have absolutely LOVED the last 2months!! Reading all these posts (and some on 2plus2 where i posted the same thing) has really given me some hope. I woke up early this morning and i just couldnt sleep anymore because I was too excited to get on the virtual felt (and obv i get rewarded with some sick sick -var coolers lol; however on the positive side it did not affect my play negatively and it did not put me on tilt at all, so im happy about that!)

And to all of you worried about me and my BJ problem, I positive that is in the past and will not resurface. I realize the cost now (which is like 2months of intense pokering to recopu my losses on top of paying for my living expenses ..)
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