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Old 11-27-2007, 02:58 AM
AJay2000 AJay2000 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
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Default Re: Books: What are you reading tonight?

anyone have an opinion on Rant, Palahniuks latest novel?

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I didn't finish it, and have read and liked all his other novels (some more than others, obviously). The structure annoyed me, for one thing - it might be possible to portray some sense of narrative flow through an oral history, but he didn't do it imo. Also I thought the concept was pretty weak.

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In regards to Palahniuk (and in order) I read Fight Club, Diary, and Survivor, but stopped after Survivor because I found that he had gotten formulaic and slightly too ridiculous. I have no problem suspending disbelief for anything, but I also think I just found his style to be wearing thin on me.

I found that I enjoyed Diary the most of the three, however, and I also adhere to the popular notion that while Fight Club was a VERY good book, the movie just got the whole concept and nailed it better.

As far as what I'm reading, I've got a Chekhov anthology and a Ginsberg anthology, but I can have any short story or poetry anthology in front of me at any given time.

- Jay
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