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Old 12-01-2007, 08:53 PM
Layzie Layzie is offline
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Default Re: Ask darom03 about being a sucessful telemarketer

I work as a telemarketer and make good money. I don't call anyone, I close leads from the salesmen. We are basically renewing people's subscriptions to magazines on the premise that they're a preferred customer, and that this time around we're buying the magazines, they're just paying for the delivery cost, which ultimately ends up costing more than their original signup. People still seem to do this, I think basically because for participating we send them a gift certificate for 2 free round trip airline tickets (with alot of loopholes that they aren't aware of until they recieve the certificate). I've been doing a very good job closing deals, but my question is what kind of advice would you give me as far as demeanor in my pitch and such. I actually enjoy doing it but at the same time do feel some guilt based on the deal we're giving them not being a very good deal. I use a friendly approach while others use a more matter of fact, straight forward approach with customers. I guess my question isn't really clear, but i'm just looking for tips on how to be better handling people, and rebutting them when they say they can't afford it, or they're already getting too many mags. Any basic advice would be cool.
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